government pd

American ambassador to Kenya Michael Ranneberger would not know servant leadership if it bit him in the left armpit. The diplomatic cables released by whistleblower WikiLeaks this week reveal that the American envoy was unable to appreciate Vice-President Kalonzo Musyoka’s well-won reputation as an intellectual heavyweight, a first-order altruist and a man of principle.

France’s ambassador to Israel presented data yesterday showing a 45 percent drop in anti-Semitic incidents in his country during 2010. Cristophe Bigot attributed the year-over-year drop to a sharp rise in 2009 in the wake of Operation Cast Lead.

Speaking after 6th meeting of the Turkey-USA Economic Partnership Commission held in Washington D.C., Foreign Ministry deputy undersecretary Selim Yenel, responsible for bilateral relations and public diplomacy, said, "we discussed technical assistance of the United States to make Istanbul a center of finance on the global scale...

Without effective policies, change in water usage behaviour and international cooperation, a catastrophic water scarcity will hit the Middle East and North Africa (Mena) region within the next ten years, a senior regional diplomat said in the capital yesterday.

There were some sweaty brows among South Korea’s construction executives last year, when Libya accused Seoul’s gaffe-prone intelligence service of snooping on Colonel Gaddafi. The builders weathered that diplomatic storm only to be rocked by this year’s rebellion against Col Gaddafi’s 41-year rule.

I recently took part on Monday in emergency meetings in Geneva to discuss the unfolding events in Libya, and I’d like to begin by offering you a brief update. We have joined the Libyan people in demanding that Colonel Qadhafi must go now, without further violence or delay.

Restless Indian regime with the increasing anti-India sentiment in Nepal which to a larger extent is the result of continuation of British Imperialist policy towards Nepal by India’s ruling elites since its independence in 1947, is organizing yet another seminar to discuss Nepal situation.

On March 3, Judith McHale, Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs at the U.S. Department of State, and Ambassador Mikhail Shvydkoy, Special Representative of the Russian President for International Cultural Cooperation, will launch a dialogue between Russian and American media professionals as part of the U.S.-Russia Presidential Commission.
