government pd

Last month, there were several released documents from WikiLeaks, which showed Singapore Minister Mentor, Lee Kuan Yew and other Singapore diplomats giving unflattering remarks on countries including Myanmar, North Korea, Malaysia and India.

The digital revolution is finally starting to penetrate that most traditional of organizations: the foreign ministry. Not surprisingly, given the pace of change in the digital world as a whole, the conduct of diplomacy is set to undergo a major evolution as these technologies shake up the status quo.

January 6, 2011

Westerners watching keenly for how India will align itself in international affairs found reason to cheer at the start of the year.

An agreement between a prominent local tribe and US and Afghan forces in one of the most contested areas of Afghanistan to help stop Taliban attacks could mark an important moment in the war.

The Knesset's Immigration, Absorption and Public Diplomacy Committee met Tuesday to discuss Israel's response to the recent recognition of a Palestinian state by Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia, and Ecuador.

The United States lost an exceptional public servant last month with the passing of Ambassador Richard Holbrooke, and I lost a friend and mentor. I came to know Holbrooke during the negotiations that ended the war in Bosnia and brought a diplomatic solution to a war-torn people.

In one respect, media coverage of the WikiLeaks release of classified American cables has resembled American diplomacy itself: lots of attention paid to conflict zones (Afghanistan, Pakistan, the Gulf) and economic competitors (Europe, China), but not a whole lot of interest in less restive, less threatening locales. Latin America, for example.

Say goodbye to Anthony Cary, the diplomat who spoke out loud. The Harper government doesn’t have to tell him to be quiet anymore. Britain’s envoy to Canada has packed his bags and returned to London. For four years his inconvenient task was urging Ottawa, in public, to do more to combat global warming.
