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Federal Republic participated with paramedics in the UNTAC mission (1991-1993): For the first time since the end of World War II, German soldiers were on a military operation abroad. On October 3, 1993, full diplomatic relations were re-established. Until the 1990s, both states had a rather aloof relationship – a fact that finally emerged as a huge advantage.
So as not to miss any stitches in the fabric of international relations, leaders attach extra importance to what they wear during diplomatic talks, adhering to the unspoken rules of what is known as ‘fashion diplomacy'. [...] Would you be surprised, if I claimed that the dress the Queen was wearing during a State Banquet was more telling in terms of diplomacy than other political procedures?
China has 128,000 poor villages with 55.75 million registered poor people. There is no one-size-fits-all solution to lift them out of poverty. Typically, people fall into four categories of poverty, requiring different approaches. Unlike some development players, NGOs are more agile and are innovative in solutions, allowing them to provide support sooner.
The German ambassador to Bahrain wanted to do something special for the German National Unity reception. [...] He came back, jazz guitar in hand, to join the “Jazzabilly band” in a few songs. The audience was thrilled. Simms-Protz has always professed his belief that music and art are instrumental tools for bringing people together — especially the youth.
The U.S. Consulate in Tijuana raised oceans conservation awareness and conducted innovative sports diplomacy in Tijuana and Rosarito. Sports Diplomacy has emerged as an integral part of efforts to build ever-strengthening relations between the United States and other nations. It uses the universal passion for sports as a way to transcend linguistic and sociocultural differences and bring people together.
The United States announced on Tuesday three new educational initiatives that would benefit Palestinians, according to a press statement by the U.S. Consulate General in Jerusalem. The initiatives were announced at the conclusion of the first ever U.S.-Palestinian Higher Education Dialogue held in the United States.
On October 14, the U.S. departments of the Treasury and Commerce also released a sixth set of regulatory amendments to the Cuba sanctions program. These amendments make it easier to engage in authorized travel and business with Cuba [...] “I believe in the Cuban people. This is not just a policy of normalizing relations with the Cuban government. The United States of America is normalizing relations with the Cuban people,” the president said.
In this scenario, India has to gradually induce China into accepting the fact that not taking action against Pakistan-based terrorism is detrimental for everyone in the neighbourhood. And this can be achieved through greater dialogue and boosting bilateral economic cooperation to an extent that will dwarf the China-Pakistan economic relationship.