government pd

The Republic of Korea is building schools and medical centers for Syrian refugees in Turkey, Korean Ambassador to Ankara Mr. Yunsoo Cho said on Wednesday. [...] Ambassador Cho said that Korea has always been in solidarity with Turkey. He added that they will build four schools and six medical centers, with an aim to support Turkey's efforts to provide education and health services to over 3 million refugees.

The government will create a national brand to lift the country’s image in the global arena in order to boost its economic earnings, an official from the presidential office has said. “Indonesia’s image is still low compared to other countries,” Sumartono Darmanto, deputy senior advisor for analysis and oversight of strategic issues on economic affairs at the Presidential Office, during a focus group discussion on Thursday in Jakarta. 

China and Djibouti have had diplomatic relations since January 8, 1979, but China’s footprint in the small country has only become ubiquitous over the last few years. Since 2012-2013, Beijing has firmly taken roots in Djibouti through numerous multibillion infrastructure projects [...] Beijing gives utmost importance to its relations with Djibouti.

Despite China’s economic progress, the latest developments suggest its leaders still believe that propaganda and censorship are its two main tools of rule. Sadly, such leftist campaigns to curb free speech and the free flow of information will ultimately constrain China’s development, which today depends on technological advancement, creativity and innovation.

Hillary Clinton has hinted that she may expand secondary sanctions on North Korea during her tenure, which would mean punishing Chinese financial institutions, businesses and individuals that transact with any entities or industries that facilitate North Korea’s nuclear [...]  Donald Trump, like everything else that he’s said about foreign policy, has been all over the map...

Chinese leaders and scholars claim that China’s foreign policy is not to seek control and hegemony, nor to export its model by military means. Instead, it is to accumulate its soft power through trade, investment and cultural exchanges.

This week brings celebrations to mark a momentous event not just for Germany but also for Europe and the world. Yesterday, October 3, saw festivities all over the country and abroad to mark the 26th anniversary of Germany’s reunification. [...] These events paved the way for German reunification and marked the end of the Cold War and European division.

The Vice Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism of South Korea, Chung Kwan-Joo, has said that Iran and South Korea plan to put their focus in 2017 on establishing mutual cultural centers. [...] He called his visit a good event, adding that several agreements have been signed between Iran and Korea in the cultural, educational and economic arenas. 
