grassroots activism
Hate crimes, especially on religious grounds, have become increasingly prominent since Modi’s Hindu nationalist government was elected in 2014. [...] Mander has gathered a group of dedicated volunteers who helped to crowdfund the entire trip. They are an eclectic mix – lifelong activists, including a mother and son, along with photographers and seven young priests-in-training from a seminary in Delhi. [...] “We want to create a network of peace communities in every district,” said Suroor Mander, one of the organizers.
Chile passed Latin America's first LGBT anti-discrimination law in 2012, but how has it fared in terms of social progess?
Around the world, a vibrant and active grassroots movement is demanding a place at the environmental table for the intersecting concerns of women’s rights, Indigenous rights, and climate justice. Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network, International (WECAN) is spearheading Ten Days of Global Mobilization [...] The goal is to bring visibility to the environmental challenges affecting girls and women throughout the world
How is democracy promoted around the world? What techniques are successful? Established state democracies are by no means the only inspiration for democracy or for good governance; these ideas can find inspiration in other cultures and societies, such as Myanmar.