hard power
Enjoying steady bilateral relations since diplomatic ties were established after the Vietnam War in 1976, the Philippines and Vietnam are now engaging in high-level dialogues to try to establish a strategic partnership.
The recent rise in global terrorism is alarming, but it also reaffirms the failure of our purely hard military approach to counter the phenomenon.
Music- and art-based outreach programs have been successful in combating extremism in cities like Minneapolis, but they're facing a roadblock. Stringent visa standards from the State Department are blocking many foreign artists from entering the country, and harming communities that need these programs the most.
Nearly a decade and a half after the 9/11 attacks, there remains a key flaw in the ongoing U.S.-led “War on Terror:” Washington’s response has been hyper-militarized, dominated by counter-terrorism and security, while other soft power instruments like public diplomacy have been under-invested in.
Matthew Wallin, a USC MPD alum and fellow at the American Security Project, reveals why public diplomacy matters for soldiers and governments alike in this new report on U.S. Military PD practices.
India is at a historic crossroads and this might well be a transformational phase in our foreign policy. However, Prime Minister Modi needs to recognize that the magic of soft power works only when it carries traditional diplomacy along.
It was -3 degrees in Munich over the weekend and, inside the 51st Security Conference, there was an unmistakable cold war chill. For three days the Bayerischer Hof hotel was a security and diplomatic lockdown as western leaders clashed with Russian counterparts over the way into – and out of – the Ukraine crisis. Delegates arrived in glum agreement over the risks posed by the conflict, and departed after heated disagreements over whether military might or diplomatic skill could save the day.