Since China became openly engaged in projecting soft power, its endeavors have constantly faced challenges. When China’s investment in soft power exceeds the combined government spending of the U.S., UK, France, Germany...
White Paper on Military Public Diplomacy
Matthew Wallin, a fellow at the American Security Project and graduate of the USC Master of Public Diplomacy program, published a report "Military Public Diplomacy: How the Military Influences Foreign Audiences" for the American Security Project in February 2015. Wallin’s report defines and analyzes the U.S. Military’s role as public diplomats, noting that since 2001 the “U.S. Military has been at the forefront of America’s interaction with overseas populations.” In turn, the report explores the structure of military PD, evaluating and assessing its efficacy in shaping and engaging foreign publics through a series of case studies. It concludes with a list of recommendations, including the value of targeted messaging, honesty and an emphasis on relationship building, to guide the U.S. Military’s interactions overseas. Wallin closes his report with the observation that “the 21st century battlefield is really a war of information, perception, and influence,” underlining why public diplomacy has become a priority for soldiers and governments alike.
The full report is available here.
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