international advocacy

While women-only parks also exist in other Islamic countries including Pakistan, Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia to offer women recreational spots safe from sexual harassment, in Iran they have – at least ostensibly – also been set up for health reasons.

“For many Americans who visit the museum, it is the basic lesson of what happened in Cambodia,” Hudson told VOA. “But most importantly, it delivers a deeper message that genocide did not end with the Holocaust; that the Holocaust was not the only genocide to happen and that we continue to repeat the mistakes of the past.

Mollie Symons and Aspen Murray, a recent high school graduate from Hartland, N.B. began the campaign together. “We are both very involved in our school and home community environments,” said Symons, “and also very passionate about social justice causes, international development and supporting refugees, both in our home communities and abroad.”

Society often encourages women in Ukraine to take the “traditional values” path in life: Get married, have children and take care of their breadwinning husbands. Those who choose to live differently, often independently, encounter judgmental attitudes or worse.

Speaking at the opening session of the international conference on threats facing freedom of expression, Dr Ali bin Smaikh al-Marri said that it was unacceptable to impose mass sanctions against civilians or journalists for any political differences. Officials from over 200 international rights groups, press syndicates, think-tanks and universities are taking part in the two-day conference at Ritz Carlton Doha.

The Women Against Violent Extremism, WAVE, campaign, developed by AUN students, has reached the international final of the Facebook Global Digital Challenge. [...] The AUN students' WAVE campaign, tagged #IAmABeliever2, seeks to promote religious tolerance in Nigeria by inspiring women and girls in the country to value their beliefs, respect the beliefs of others and take action against violent extremism within their communities.

Headlines explore advocacy on behalf of the International Criminal Court, Climate Change, and Women's Education.

Sultan Nazrin Muizzuddin Shah said diplomats now have to share the international stage with many more actors, including civil society organizations. [...] In his speech titled “Transfor­mation for 21st Century Diplomats”, the Sultan said long-established and reputable cause-and-issue oriented international NGOs make invaluable contributions to alleviating human suffering.
