international exchange

History will be quick to remind us that China, India, and the Middle East had rich and refined cultures while Europeans were still struggling through the material and intellectual poverty of the Dark Ages and before the existence of the Americas was even known to them.

Festival of Indian Culture in Russia represents cultural exchange and contributes to stable strategic relations between Russia and India, President of India Pranab Mukherjee said on Sunday at the opening ceremony of the festival. Nine Russian cities will hold the Namaste Russia festival that will last from May until November 2015.

Aimed at enhancing China’s cultural exchanges with foreign countries, an international dance fest will kick off in July in the autonomous region of Xinjiang. According to the region's government, the fourth edition of the festival will showcase talents from Xinjiang, other Chinese provinces and other participating countries.

A first ever centre dedicated to Mahatma Gandhi in China will be opened next week on Saturday when Prime Minister Narendra Modi visits Shanghai, the last city on this three-day tour to China. 

From 15 to 23 May, German institutions in Nairobi and Kenya will celebrate the "German Week" with our German and Kenyan partners. A German Cultural Week is a chance to showcase examples of our 'culture' and to make it interact with the art and culture of our host country Kenya.

The Public Diplomacy Delegation's visit is to support and expand the excellent and longstanding government-to-government relations and build and strengthening people-to-people links between two countries. The Delegation includes religious leaders, officials, academics, business people, artists, well known personalities, and farmers.

An event to celebrate the cultural exchange between Beirut and Berlin, two cities which have clearly positioned themselves as creative and artistic hubs in their respective regions, kicked off Thursday. 

The US State Department is asking for more than $6 million to convert its Interests Section in Havana to an embassy and $528,000 for a new program called “Cuba Outreach Initiative,” budget documents show.
