international relations
A day after President Donald Trump’s inauguration, women around the US and around the world held a Women’s March, in support of women’s rights and in reaction to a political climate of implicit and explicit chauvinism. Here in Israel as well, many people took to the streets to express their solidarity.

Watch our FB Live video of CPD's recent event with Aviva Rosenthal.

One USC professor's engineering diplomacy course captures the increasing importance of science and technology in statecraft.
Sport can play a major role in boosting Scotland’s influence abroad, and help cement international relations, while influencing diplomacy and foreign policy. The potential is there to use sport to improve international relations and development, and what the Scottish Government needs to do is to elevate sport’s role on the global stage.
Is public diplomacy still relevant? This is a question often asked nowadays. [...] In international relations, public diplomacy or people's diplomacy is considered to be a form of communication with foreign public that establishes a dialog designed to inform and influence. "Today's myriad of international journalism outlets makes it increasingly challenging for U.S. government public diplomacy programs to capture global attention,"
The program allows students to study abroad without having to pay additional tuition at their host universities. Participants also don't have to worry about lost time: All credits earned while studying abroad with Erasmus transfer to their home institutions. Students also get small monthly stipends from their home universities, which depend on where they go and how much money their schools have available to support them while they're there.