
Such contacts also "prepare the grounds for taking the existing opportunities and potential and activated capacities in the relations between the two big countries of Iran and India and widening mutual understanding between the two nations," he added.

In a new documentary video game tracing the life of the late Dr. Mohammad Mossadegh, Iran's hugely popular prime minister, users get to play his frisky pet cat. The cat sets in motion many key historical events of Mossadegh's life, starting from his death under house arrest and moving backward through the pivotal 1953 Western-backed coup d'etat that saw his overthrow.

The digital library of the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance’s Center for Media Studies was inaugurated during a ceremony at the center on Tuesday. Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance Seyyed Mohammad Hosseini praised the establishment of the library saying that it would have a crucial role in improving the quality of press and media.

Iranian Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance Seyed Mohammad Hosseini voiced Tehran and Cairo's willingness to strengthen bilateral ties, specially in area of culture. On May 30, Iran's Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi voiced confidence about the improvement of relations between Iran and Egypt, but meantime said that resuming ties between the two Muslim states needs time and patience.

Two years ago, Iranian activists used social media sites as engines to organize massive anti-government demonstrations. But now, activists say, the limitless freedoms available online are proving to be a distraction from real-world dissent.

the lawmakers called on the Foreign Ministry to take appropriate actions with regard to the regional developments as follows... Adopting transparent stances in defense of popular movements, opposing the foreign meddling, and employing the public diplomacy to reveal the Western powers’ double-standard approach toward the developments.

As Arab uprisings sweep the Middle East, few images will likely unsettle Iran's leadership more than that of their flag being burned by Syrian protesters angry with the Islamic Republic's deep ties with Syria's dynastic regime.

The first Indian cultural festival was opened during a ceremony at the Niavaran Cultural Artistic Complex on Tuesday. Indian films and Indian music are being performed during the event and participants will offer Indian food and Indian handicrafts to visitors during the festival...
