
Director of National Library and Archives of Iran said that that 20th century is the century in which cultural diplomacy is prevailing politics. In order to fulfill the goal during the past century, Iran established its National Library and today the organization is proud to hold a fair for Ukraine's National Day."

Running a center for public diplomacy is good news per se, since it means further attention towards the global public opinion and the image Iran is creating of itself for the international community. Public diplomacy is the ‘soft’ tool...

Iranian Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance Seyed Mohammad Hosseini underlined the significant role of mosques in strengthening the country against enemies' soft threats.

Iranian media affiliated to the Islamic regime have been accused of using library images from different times and locations in Britain and other parts of the world to portray the UK riots as "the uprising of the oppressed against the British monarchy".

August 5, 2011

The US is making a mistake in demonising Iran, says Patrick Seale. Obama should have seized the chance to engage. It’s now widely accepted – and lamented – that US President Barack Obama failed dismally in attempting to make peace between Israel and the Palestinians.

The Department of State is pleased to announce “Ask Alan,” a new effort to engage with the Iranian people through our Persian language social media brand, USAdarFarsi. Every month on Facebook and Twitter, we will be asking our fans for questions on a topic that we set in advance. Our Persian language spokesman, Alan Eyre, will then provide answers to the most popular questions in Persian.

Iranian leaders have tried to portray democracy movements in the Arab world as inspired by their 1979 Islamic revolution.. However, a new poll by the Arab American Institute shows approval of Iran's role in the region plummeting since 2006...

Few in the West have heard its authentically Persian sound, but now the classical, Persian stringed instrument known as a kamancheh is being heard in an unlikely place - the mid-western U.S. state of Ohio. An Iranian-American musician is resurrecting the kamancheh’s ancient sound - the hard way - and introducing it to a whole new audience.
