
The Islamic State terrorist group has launched a big social media campaign to try to capitalize on the Paris massacre.  Twitter feeds and other social media messages began Sunday, urging each Muslim to act as a “city wolf” and kill co-workers and fellow commuters.

The Pentagon dismissed an attack on its social media sites Monday as “cybervandalism,” hitting back at an aggressive effort by supporters of the Islamic State to wrest control of Twitter and YouTube accounts belonging to U.S. Central Command.

The Twitter account for U.S. Central Command was apparently hacked on Monday, with pro-ISIS messages plastering the account's profile.  The first message was posted at 12:29 p.m. ET, with the words "AMERICAN SOLDIERS, WE ARE COMING, WATCH YOUR BACK. ISIS." and the hashtag "#CyberCaliphate."

A new opinion poll released Thursday shows Americans in continued support of the goal to “downgrade and ultimately destroy” the Islamic State (ISIS), as President Obama has articulated it.

Supplying new weapons to Iraq and refurbishing its poorly maintained war stocks has become an urgent priority for Barack Obama’s administration after nearly half the Iraqi Army that was trained and equipped by U.S. forces before 2011 — or about 24 brigades out of 50 — unraveled last summer in the face of the Islamic State’s brutal onslaught.

Video still from an Islamic State training video

Philip Seib on encouraging developments in the diplomatic response to terrorism.

A new poll by Brookings Nonresident Senior Fellow Shibley Telhami dives below “approve/disapprove” numbers to offer a sophisticated picture of American public views of the campaign against ISIS and the broader conflict in Syria and Iraq.

Canada’s once-admired internationalist brand has been spoiled, mutating into a cross between warrior nation wannabe and fossil of the year.
