
The Temple Mount in Jerusalem

An analysis of opposing social media narratives.

Renowned ex-porn star, converting to Judaism, takes to Twitter to support Israelis and slam their opponents.  Former adult film star Jenna Jameson has become an ardent supporter of the Jewish state and is constantly tweeting enthusiastic messages defending Israelis in these troubled times, the Ynet web site reported Monday.

Unlike in previous uprisings, more and more women are participating in protests against the Israeli occupation. But the fighting has also taken its toll on them.

As Palestinian veterans and analysts grapple with the question of whether current events bear the hallmarks of a new intifada, Al Jazeera reached out to a number of Palestinians under the age of 30 throughout the region. 

Solomonov sees his mission as connecting people to the food of his homeland. His specialties include Israeli-style hummus and tehina, a sesame paste also known as tahini. "Tehina is sort of the Israeli mother sauce," Solomonov says. "On the first day, God created tehina."

“There was a realization among the decision-makers that English needed a presence on Israel TV in prime time – for Israel’s image and for the sake of local English speakers, the foreign press and diplomats.”[...] I told numerous IBA heads that we could be the English equivalent of Al Jazeera and could fight the hasbara (public diplomacy) battle through solid Israel-perspective journalism."

October 2, 2015

Friends of ESRA held their annual fundraising dinner on Thursday of last week to aid ESRA’s “Give a child a future” campaign, with MK Michael Oren delivering a speech on “The Israel-U.S. relationship.” [...] She added that Oren called on Israel to give more support to American Jewish students on the front lines of the public diplomacy battle.

From music diplomacy in the Middle East to sports and culinary exchanges in the Americas.
