
The mass media have a deeply important role in conflict situations or their resolution; they can determine the rise on violent episodes and on distrust, or the other way around. Mass media are also fundamental in determining people’s perceptions about the conflict or their engagement and confidence in a peace process.

Fears of a third intifada could mar the vital Christmas tourism season in Israel and the Palestinian territories, delivering a second blow to an industry still reeling from the summer Gaza war, say officials and venue operators on both sides.

An overwhelming majority of the Israeli public values the country’s relations with the United States, regards Washington as a loyal ally and believes that America will come to Israel’s aid against existential threats. But only a minority says that President Obama has a positive attitude towards Israel and most Israelis believe that his policies have weakened America’s position in the Middle East.

President of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS), academician Akif Alizade has met Israeli Ambassador to the country Rafael Harpaz to discuss the expansion of scientific cooperation.  Alizade hailed long-term cooperation and relations between the two countries, which he described as “friendly”.

Following a diplomatic tradition going back millennia, China will be gifting Israel with two giant pandas, if it decides that the conditions in the Haifa zoo meet the animals' needs.

The new media revolution of recent years enables such direct appeals to the Arab public in its own language and the marketing of original content produced by a team of Jewish and Arab Israelis from a bureau on Rothschild Boulevard, in the heart of Tel Aviv.

Last semester, 10 students from this university had the opportunity to take a virtual, project-based course in international development and conflict management with 10 students from Tel Aviv University as part of the university’s new Global Classrooms Initiative.

European nations, Israel’s largest trading partners and a historical bastion of support, are taking stronger measures to support Palestinian sovereignty and condemn what many see as aggressive, expansionist Israeli policies.
