
The ten most notable PD stories from 2014.

The Argentine Jesuit’s first 6 overseas trips reflect not just Francis’ distinction as the first pope from the developing world, but also a constant theme of his papacy: reaching out to the world’s “peripheries” or “fringes,” meaning his favorite type of people: the poor and the vulnerable.

Of the total contributions of nearly $259,000 — slightly over 1 million shekels — about $237,000 came from American donors, according to records made public by Israel’s State Comptroller and first published by BuzzFeed.

Israel's advanced technology developments have become its most prominent soft power tool for boosting diplomatic ties and improving its position in the world, enhancing its own security in the process. 

In a move that heightened tensions with Israel and could lead to cuts in U.S. aid, the Palestinians on Friday delivered to U.N. headquarters documents on joining the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court and other international treaties.

The decision to investigate incidents that occurred during Operation Protective Edge in Gaza last summer has caused an uproar in the IDF. Yet this is how Israel aims to reduce international pressure and thwart legal measures against IDF officers abroad.

January 2, 2015

The debate over the strengths and weaknesses of Israel's public diplomacy efforts have been a point of interest for the Jewish state and its supporters around the world.

In recent years the debate over Israel’s efforts in public diplomacy, or hasbara, has been a recurring topic on the agenda of the Jewish state and its supporters around the globe.
