Explore city diplomacy from the perspective of CPD's hometown: Los Angeles.
The artwork, called Solar Reserve (Tonopah, Nevada) 2014, was created by Irish artist John Gerrard and illustrates the changing views of the solar arrays from day to night. The actor Leonardo DiCaprio, who has used his fame to publicize the perils of global warming, bought and donated the work to the Los Angeles County Museum of Art.
The Indianapolis Museum of Art has joined an international consortium. The 30-member French American Museum Exchange promotes cultural exchange among museums in France and North America. [...] Other members of FRAME include the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, the Cleveland Museum of Art, Montreal Museum of Fine Arts and Musée des Beaux-Arts de Bordeaux in France.

The cultural diplomacy of "Islamic Art Now" at LACMA.
Watch this video of Los Angeles County Museum of Art Director Michael Govan as he discusses the role of art in the digital age and LACMA's Next Generation Program.
Michael Govan describes how LACMA’s Fútbol exhibition reflects the universality of sport and the diversity of Los Angeles.