
"Sesame Street," the world's most-viewed children's educational television show since the 1960s, has debuted in Afghanistan. Its producers hope their culturally adapted version of the nearly half-century old format can reach Afghan kids facing some of the world's most daunting adversity.

APDS Blogger: Jerry Edling

Amid the cacophony of new technologies that seem to proliferate with each passing year, radio remains a beacon to the disenfranchised. It is arguably the most affordable medium, and its reach makes it a viable way of reaching rural and isolated areas in which residents typically feel marginalized. As Colin Fraser and Sonia Restrepo Estrada note in UNESCO’s Community Radio Handbook,

International paradigms, as realism and neoliberalism have historically defined the principles of international cooperation considering non-state actors as either negligent or influential. Hydro-politics, considers a new regime in which water can be considered by state and non-state actors as a new strategy to improve international cooperation. However, international law principles and the international water law framework seem to be working contradictory to the logics and schemes necessary for hydro-politics to become a successful platform for multilateral cooperation.

Egypt's Kefaya ("Enough" in Arabic) movement was in many ways the forefather of the Arab uprising. It pioneered the use of social media, mastered the art of symbolic demonstrations, and pried open a space in the Egyptian media. This opening of closed regimes to raw information and opinion, a faith in the power of public ideas, was itself one of the key ideas underpinning the Arab uprisings.

Increasing diplomatic and economic relations between Turkey and Serbia in recent years have boosted Turkey’s positive image within Serbian society, making the cultural similarities between two nations more visible.

'I think, we have had a really good take off on making a Sesame Sim Sim Hamara which belongs to Pakistan. It has Pakistani characters, it has content which is specially designed for Pakistan and there is a lot of development on the side of making an international level production,'

November 25, 2011

The ongoing conflict between Arabs and Jews in the Middle East is one of the more intractable conflicts of our times - but, by looking at the conflict through the eyes of two outsiders, film director Peter Kosminsky hopes to tell the human story behind the bloody headlines and failed peace talks.

Before public diplomacy, there was propaganda, a term coined by Pope Gregory XV in 1622...A key observation to make regarding the Pope’s call for the propagation of the faith is that the advent of the printing press, the rise in literacy...and the religious controversies...had already created a European sphere of public comment and opinion by the turn of the seventeenth century.
