
In a 2010 BBC survey, respondents in Egypt, Pakistan, Kenya and Turkey were asked how much they would miss the services of the BBC, CNN International, Voice of America or Al Jazeera. The Egyptian respondents said they would miss the BBC more than Al Jazeera.

January 31, 2011

Adam Powell reports in his most recent CPD Blog post that the U.S. Broadcasting Board of Governors plans to investigate expanded program acquisitions for use overseas on the Voice of America and perhaps other U.S. government non-military international broadcasts under its aegis

January 30, 2011

Call it sitcom diplomacy. Last month, Katie Couric suggested it was past time to apply that magic to Muslims in America. Her example was "The Cosby Show."

January 28, 2011

As a member of a small tribe of Orientalist Zionists, I count among those who find it no contradiction in supporting both Israel and Palestine (for what it’s worth, we are cousins). While it can often be a lonely tribe, it can also lead to some interesting academic discussions and exchanges.

January 27, 2011

As a member of a small tribe of Orientalist Zionists, I count among those who find it no contradiction in supporting both Israel and Palestine (for what it’s worth, we are cousins). While it can often be a lonely tribe, it can also lead to some interesting academic discussions and exchanges.

Anger was growing last night as politicians, unions and the BBC criticised the Government’s savage cuts to the BBC World Service, which will be forced to lose a quarter of its staff. Following a 16 per cent cut in its funding from the Foreign Office, the broadcaster confirmed yesterday that there would be 650 jobs going and cash savings of 20 per cent over the next three years.

This will make the corporation drop five of its language services, end radio programmes in seven languages affecting major countries such as China and Russia, and reduce broadcasts of most short wave and medium wave radio services.
