
Five hours reading the Internet. Four hours watching television. Fourteen minutes with a print magazine. Sound about right? That's what your day looks like, according to a new study on media trends from eMarketer. The survey found that, with the rise of mobile, the U.S. media diet has crossed two thresholds: Americans are spending more time online than with TV and, for the first time ever, they're more time gazing into their phones and tablets than blinking into desktop screens in 2013.

BBC World News will launch its international HD channel on Arabsat on August 5. Arabsat will be the BBC’s first distribution partner in the Middle East to offer the news channel in HD. In January, BBC World News’ unveiled its new look, following a re-launch from the heart of the BBC Newsroom at Broadcasting House in central London.

Social media, and Twitter in particular, enables people to follow news events in real time around the world. On 31 July 2013 and into 1 August, #ZimElections became a worldwide trending topic as the voting in Zimbabwe concluded, and Zimbabweans woke up to a state of limbo. The Zimbabwe Election Commission (ZEC) was not to release the elections results until next Monday – an eternity in today’s connected world – but with a law prohibiting anyone from making pronouncements about the results, surely everyone would hold their tongues till that date?

Al Jazeera America, the new American news channel that will launch on Aug. 20, today announced that Libby Casey, one of the hosts of the very popular program Washington Journal on C-SPAN, will become the first correspondent at the channel’s new Washington, D.C. bureau. Al Jazeera America will be a news, lifestyle and investigative journalism channel that will offer the U.S. audience objective, fact-based and in-depth news focused on issues that are important to everyday Americans. The Washington bureau is one of 12 that the new channel will have across the country.

The BBC launched a new morning radio show in Nepal August 1. The BBC Nepali 15-minute show began at 7:15 a.m. local time, broadcasting regional and international news. From Kathmandu, the station airs on 103 FM, re-broadcasting via a nationwide network of 260 FM stations. "The BBC has a strong audience base in Nepal, and this expansion of radio programming shows our commitment to providing these audiences with highest-quality news and information,” said BBC Nepali Editor Rabindra Mishra.

The United States Senate has confirmed three new members to serve on the Broadcasting Board of Governors, which oversees all U.S. government-supported civilian international media. The Senate this evening unanimously approved Jeffrey Shell, Matthew C. Armstrong and Ambassador Ryan C. Crocker for membership on the bipartisan board. Shell was confirmed as chair of the board.

"So far everything is fine, there is a lot of talk, but its quiet in Benghazi. As far as any of us can see, Gaddafi's troops are nowhere near the city." The satellite connection was more or less clear, if a bit tinny. On the other end, 5,000 miles away, my wife didn't sound convinced. It wouldn't help that the next morning found us fleeing Benghazi with the international press corps, on the back of a hastily flagged down truck.
