muslim world

Abdolmoghset Banikamal and Wahabuddin Ra'ees look at Ayatollah Khomeini's soft power efforts in Afghanistan and Malaysia.
Mona Haydar’s new music video uses rap to demystify the hijab.
Bangladesh needs to take steps to grab a slice of the fast-growing halal tourism pie, travel experts said. Halal tourism is a subcategory of tourism that is geared towards Muslim families who abide by rules of Islam. [...] In recent times, this sub-sector of tourism is on the rise on the back of the growing worldwide Muslim population, the increasing purchasing power of population of Muslim countries and rising tendency to consume foods and use services that adhere to Islamic principles.
Out of this era came three key programs tasked with training a new generation of American students to begin to repair relationships with the peacefully-growing Muslim world, and ameliorate the severe lack of US linguistic capability plaguing both the government and global economic competitiveness. The first, Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange and Study, or YES Abroad, was created in the wake of 9/11 to dispel myths about both America and the Muslim world.
Harvard University's Distinguished Service Professor Nye is a political scientist who coined the concept "soft power" -- a kind of power that has the ability to attract rather than coerce, and that has been widely used by Turkish decision-makers to highlight the country's appeal as a modern Muslim democracy. Nye is despondent over Turkey's current direction and believes that cracking down on dissent has a negative impact on Turkey's most significant weapon: soft power.
The question is, then, why is Israel’s propaganda falling so short? The strategic answer is simple. Israel is fighting a total war which has a number of facets.