new media
PD Magazine announces the launch of the Summer 2011 issue: "International Broadcasting." This summer's issue focused on the role of international broadcasting in public diplomacy.
The shift to online media, and in particular, social media such as Facebook and Twitter, represents the growing trend of people turning to online sources for news and world events. This presents a unique opportunity for Israel's public diplomacy to penetrate global public opinion.

Sherine B. Walton, Editor-in-Chief
Naomi Leight, Managing Editor
Tracy Bloom, Associate Editor
Most accounts from rights activists as well as journalists on the scene and sociologists analyzing the situation clearly show that Facebook had an enormous influence on the start and spread of the uprisings, as well as their apparent domino effect. It served a primary means of communication.
The Obama administration is embarking on a fundamental overhaul of Voice of America and other official broadcasters — one that seeks to adapt their traditional diplomatic missions to the era of Facebook and Twitter...the need for the United States to get its message across to an often hostile world is greater than ever.
LinkedIn Corp. has established its Asia-Pacific headquarters in Singapore and plans to set up a Japan office later this year, as the company seeks to grow its regional footprint. The headquarters will serve as a gateway for regional expansion, and support LindkedIn's existing operations in Australia and India.
The news transmitted by the U.S. government to Cuba via Radio/Television Martí is keeping pace with the times in its use of social networks and multimedia platforms. Internet, Facebook, Twitter and text messaging are the latest media being used to aid the free flow of news to the island.
French President Nicolas Sarkozy urged Internet leaders gathered in Paris to work with governments and share fairly the benefits of a revolution he compared to the discoveries of Columbus, Galileo and Newton.