new technology

U.S. embassies in Africa have created new models for public diplomacy, models which are already producing significant advances. Wharton... described the “Kampala model” of public the U.S. Embassy in Uganda, according to the Secretary, PD is in the lead.

A satirical song that takes a tongue-in-cheek swipe at religious extremism, militancy and contradictions in Pakistani society has become an instant hit , drawing widespread attention as a rare voice of the country’s embattled liberals. The popularity of the song on the Internet has made it a sensation across the border in India as well, surprising the band members.

November 1, 2011

An interesting blog post from the U.S. Center for Citizen Diplomacy discusses Creative Learning, an organization that encourages Americans to become “unofficial Ambassadors” to different Islamic nations. Another blog...demonstrates the impact social media can have on public diplomacy and how the use of the internet makes public diplomacy very effective in its distribution.

The BBG brands...face intense competition from...emerging media choices as well as the challenges of censorship and extremist voices. To address these challenges and advance the nation’s strategic priorities, BBG’s plan features innovative initiatives: to create a global news network; to leverage new delivery technologies...and to devise sophisticated new means of countering Internet blocking and other forms of censorship.

The Israeli army this week launched its official Arabic Facebook page. Joining the military's English blog, Twitter account and YouTube channel , the Arabic site will provide information about the Israeli army's activities in the Palestinian territories and other related issues. It will also serve as a place for conversation with readers.

This is part of a larger international cyber diplomacy effort, that the State Department is undertaking that’s weaving all of these different aspects of cyberspace together, and that includes everything from...internet freedom, to economic issues and governance issues on the internet, to cyber security issues...this basket of issues is now a foreign policy imperative or a foreign policy priority.

Governments may better appreciate the potential of social media in coming years but it is up to citizens to engage today. Tweet once a day, participate in social media meetings, volunteer to teach and brainstorm ways to benefit your society. Never underestimate the knowledge you have; pass it on.
