new technology

I believe one of the greatest tasks of ASEAN lies in people to people. We are all agreed that a 21st century ASEAN, to be dynamic and relevant, must be people-centered and people-driven. For the first time, and in contrast to just four decades ago...

When the Chinese government spends vast amounts in Africa to set up communications infrastructure for dictators to flood the populace with their messages, public diplomacy has a new dimension. China is also offering this same region a propaganda-free news service, at a vastly cheaper cost than traditional Western news services. This is a sign of soft power and strategic influence are now going online.

Israel Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Danny Ayalon released a new media video describing the historical facts of the Israel Palestinian conflict in a concise, easy to follow video on YouTube. The video explains where the terms "West Bank", "Occupied territories" and "1967 Borders" originated and how they are incorrectly used and applied.

TV 25 is one of 16 new channels launched since Mubarak's fall. Several new radio stations and newspapers have also taken advantage of the eased security restrictions governing new media licenses.TV 25 reports live out of Tahrir Square daily, often taking viewers inside protesters' tents. Social media — which many credit for helping to launch Egypt's revolution - is a major part of their programming.

July 18, 2011

Dictators are toppling across the Arab world. What role has the Internet played in their demise? Young people went online to keep up with their friends and youth culture. In doing so, they became politicized. In Egypt, people shared a yearning to oust Hosni Mubarak, but each person was afraid to step forward. Once they saw how many other Egyptians agreed with them, they grew bolder.

Alec Ross is U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's senior adviser for innovation -- a job that has him developing new and innovative ways to use technology to promote American diplomatic efforts. Ross told an RFE/RL correspondent that U.S. efforts to safeguard Internet freedom are not aimed at promoting regime change in authoritarian countries like Iran.

With his digital town hall last November...Valenzuela’s assertive use and understanding of social media stand out as a chief positive contribution. This proactive social media presence falls in line with Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s “21st Century Statecraft.”

Clooney, who's traveled to Sudan to raise awareness about the southern conflict and the separate humanitarian crisis in Darfur, co-founded the satellite project in October with John Prendergast, a longtime Sudan activist. The project combines satellite imagery with eyewitness accounts...
