non-state actors

South Africa made the not granting a visa to the Dalai Lama, a decision that risked angering China...This was a question of how the world would look at us and our morality, and not all about putting at risk much-needed direct investment in such economically turbulent times.

With his fluent English and French, strong Zionist education and traditional Jewish background...Jeremy Dery is the sort of person it’s good to have in Israel’s corner. So now he is living in Tel Aviv and has become involved in several help Israel’s image... or to help new immigrants.

"We cannot achieve democracy and lasting peace in the world unless women obtain the same opportunities as men to influence developments at all levels of society,"...The Committee said it hoped the three-way award "will help to bring an end to the suppression of women...

Jon Ronson, the British currently posting a video series about attempts to “control” the Internet...His investigation in those two videos focuses on an unfortunate effort by some Israelis to produce a counter-flotilla YouTube video this past summer when that issue was at its hottest.

Today, the USC Center on Public Diplomacy released a Media Monitor Report on "Expo Shanghai 2010 - Flaunting Nations' Beauty through the Practice of Nation Branding".

"...I also attended Brand Africa Forum in South Africa. The keynote speaker was a certain Simon Anholt, a nation-branding consultant. He has branded 33 countries in his career... he criticised countries, trying to brand their countries by running commercials on some media channels.

Every NBA corporate partner participates in the league's charitable arm, NBA Cares, which has given out more than $100 million since 2006. U.S. athletes are especially drawn to children..., it would be wonderful to see Washington do more.

The survey's banner findings concern American public opinion's shift towards Asia over Europe, particularly among the younger generation of Americans. For the first time ever, more Americans (51 percent) believe that Asian countries, such as China, Japan, or South Korea, are more important...
