non-state actors

The invitation, sent from an official Tel Aviv University email account, invites recipients who may be interested... to attend a meeting about a new Israeli student initiative... “which aspires to act for the good of the branding and public diplomacy of Israel on university campuses abroad, which are strongholds of anti-Israeli actions.”

CPD Director Philip Seib, along with several other media experts, will be participating in the 10th Arab Media Forum in Dubai, UAE.

The English version of an illustrated book about Taiwanese culture by prominent French author and illustrator Nicole Lambert was unveiled May 10. “Taiwan, Island of Treasures” is a pictorial work based on Lambert’s observations during a one-month visit in Taiwan at the invitation of the Egret Culture and Education Foundation...

Moments after he said that his country had instructed Pakistan to target terror havens, US ambassador Timothy Roemer was given basic lessons in the American sport of ultimate (earlier known as Frisbee) by slum children on his visit to Gandhi Ashram on Tuesday.

South Korea and North Korea have been invited to field a joint table tennis team at an upcoming international event designed to promote peace through sports, officials said. [The] ...Peace and Sport Table Tennis Tournament will invite 10 countries to "encourage dialogue and good relations" between states.

PressReader gives them instant access to more than 1,800 full-content digital replicas of newspapers and magazines from 94 countries, often before they hit the newsstands in their local markets. Already, PressReader has proved to be an invaluable tool as the students learn about foreign societies and cultures, and read their local newspapers to understand how world events are perceived and interpreted abroad.

May 11, 2011

It's familiar, unmistakable. The melody echoing through the auditorium at Rangsit University is from Days of Wine and Roses, that Hollywood drama from the early 1960s whose theme music, composed by Henry Mancini, won an Academy Award. The odd thing is that the tune is being played by a group of Asian students who couldn't possibly have been born when that film was released.

Liquid Comics and Open Hands Initiative, a U.S.-based nonprofit dedicated to public diplomacy efforts, announced Saturday the launch of a new comic book that will introduce children around the world to The Silver Scorpion...[whose] powers include the ability to “help build bridges between the youth of America and the Arab world, starting with Syria.”
