non-state actors

Now, I don’t need to tell this audience that we know what the benefits are of these Open Skies agreements. They not only allow us to cross great distances, which I have been doing a lot of recently, but also to open up markets, create jobs, allow people in far -removed countries to interact, share information, and build businesses together.

March 28, 2011

President Dr Ram Baran Yadav today inaugurated a three-day Conference on ‘Buddhism: Traditional Practices and Pluralistic Innovations’. Scholars and Buddhist monks from Nepal, India, Thailand, South Korea, Myanmar, Japan, Sri Lanka and Bhutan are participating in the conference.

The powers that be at the social networking giant, Facebook, decided the "Third Palestinian Intifada" page will not be removed, despite requests from Israel, the Anti-Defamation League and others.

New USCCD member organization Global Citizen Year (GCY) defines itself as a citizen diplomacy organization by providing recent high school graduates with the opportunity to spend a 'bridge year' working in a developing country before they move on to attend college.

What Eastern European intellectuals and civic actors understood by civil society was not just the 18th-century concept of the rule of law, but also the notion of horizontal self-organized groups and institutions in the public sphere that could limit the power of the state by constructing a democratic space separate from state and its ideological institutions.

Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd will today launch a photographic exhibition, Through Australian Eyes, which recognises the significant contribution of Australian civilians working in Afghanistan. Mr. Rudd welcomes the exhibition, which emphasises the important role development assistance and diplomacy plays in the rebuilding of Afghanistan and the security gains being made in Afghanistan.

While on the ground I have been meeting with various private and public sector officials to analyze the extent to which corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a priority for companies operating in Vietnam. Based upon the information gathered thus far, the answer appears to be yes, but with many shades of gray.

From all the terrible news typically coming out of reports from Israel and the West Bank, a March 15 article from Bloomberg Press, struck a happier note. For advocates of public diplomacy between Israelis and Palestinians, corporate diplomacy could be a key factor in restarting the peace process.
