non-state actors

Israel has no ties, diplomatic or otherwise, with North Korea, but some Israelis dream of a warm relationship between the two countries. The Korean Friendship Association, a North Korean government- affiliated organization dedicated to improving the Hermit Kingdom’s foreign relations, established a branch in Israel last year...

During the past week, Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW) an organized effort by anti Israel NGOs and NGO activists held events in cities and on college campuses, presenting disinformation intended to vilify and delegitimize the State of Israel.

This project drew on the ‘cosmopolitan turn’ in social thought to reconsider city diplomacy in spatial terms, including urban planning, architecture and network theory.

Academics, university leaders, and policy makers from the Asia-Pacific region will gather at a major education conference in Taipei starting on Wednesday that will give Taiwan the chance to forge deeper ties with institutions in nearby countries.

Israel's Minister of Public Diplomacy, Yuli Edelstein, recorded a special message for YOU, Israel's Online Ambassadors. In this video, the Minister gives us a few tips of how to best represent Israel in our online activism.

This is not just wishful thinking. Japan’s corporations are regaining much of the self confidence and footing that they lost during the downturn, the result of many adjustments and strategic moves that Japanese businesses have made to expand to emerging markets. Japan, Inc. is going global again.

Continual policy dialogue through a wide variety of channels including lawmakers, business leaders and scholars in addition to government-to-government diplomacy is essential to buttress the Japan-U.S. alliance.

Sports have often been a bridge between cultures. Even when politicians have tried to use sports for propaganda purposes, the spirit of sports has often overcome political problems. The 1936 Olympics come to mind. Hitler’s “master race” blew up in his face because of Jesse Owens.
