non-state actors
Following the success of Qatar Brazil 2014, Qatar UK 2013 and Qatar Japan 2012, Qatar Museums Is proud to officially announce the launch of the Qatar Turkey 2015 Year of Culture.
Recognizing that the private sector is adopting an increasingly higher profile in global development efforts, European Union development ministers agreed Friday on an ambitious set of proposals to strengthen the role of the private sector in future EU-funded projects.
The participants of the session discussed joint efforts of friendship societies and individual foreign countries to promote cultural values.
Some of these emerging diplomatic trends seem to have the potential to solve real problems, but can they really guarantee results or are they diplomatic fads that will go out of style as soon as the diplomatic community is faced with more complex challenges?

The latest issue of Sport in Society focuses on “Sport and Diplomacy” and explores the interrelationship between international sports and diplomatic studies since they both have a global public dimension to them that can be systematized. The issue features eight articles including:
Finding local solutions to global development challenges is among the trending topics in international development. Donor agencies emphasize this to varying degrees, but all recognize that local ownership of development is a key ingredient for success.
On November 2, Bruce Gregory published the most recent edition of his periodic public diplomacy reading list. Known affectionately at CPD as "Bruce's List," it is a compilation of books, journal articles, papers, and blogs on a wide variety of PD topics, and features a number of CPD scholars. Highlights in this edition include: