non-state pd

The four media students developed The Secrets Behind the UAE Identity as part of their graduating project. The manuscript was finished within two months. As a part of their marketing strategy, they have used social networking websites, created radio advertisements and held mall events where the book was distributed for free.

The overseas expansion of Chinese companies not only is a commercial activity, but also bears the responsibility of expanding China's public diplomacy. In this regard, Chinese enterprises should not only look for short-term profits, but also bear more corporate social responsibility.

The South Asian University (SAU), which is a first of its kind joint venture for the eight member countries of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC), began its first academic session on August 26 this year, with an initial batch of 50 students.

While significant attention has been given to how political groups in the Arab world use the media to intimidate enemies and instill fear in times of conflict, the use of public diplomacy by local and regional actors in the region remains understudied. This project examined the use of public diplomacy by non-state actors in the Arab world, including Islamist groups.

The populace is becoming an extra variable to a country's diplomacy. Decades ago, diplomacy was largely a mysterious game played by politicians within certain inner circles. However, with the rise of mass media, especially the Internet, diplomacy is not just the jurisdiction of diplomats anymore.

Diplomats, entrepreneurs and future leaders joined Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton at the U.S. State Department's annual iftar dinner in Washington on September 7. Secretary Clinton praised 70 young American Muslim leaders who attended the iftar...

...a very important basketball event is taking place in Turkey: the 2010 World Championship held by the International Basketball Federation (FIBA)...This event could be the opportunity Greece and Turkey need to get closer to each other, not in terms of high-level politics, but in terms of initiatives coming from below, from the grassroots.

September 8, 2010

As it now stands, this law remains harmful to the intellectual and cultural exchange between nations that is crucial to fostering growth, tolerance, and progress. It is particularly vital for those countries with significant cultural and political differences to learn about one another...
