
According to a statement issued by the foreign ministry, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Morgulov Igor Vladimirovich and Pakistan’s Additional Secretary Europe Nadeem Riyaz led their respective sides in discussions that focused on a review of political, economic, parliamentary and cultural relations.

The recent violence along the Line of Control (LoC) between India and Pakistan in Kashmir threatens confrontation yet again between the two nuclear armed neighbors. It also underscores the need to rescue the fragile Track II process from irrelevance, because ultimately it is through genuine people-to-people exchange that long-term peace between the two nations is possible.

“Culture does not have border and both Pakistan and Afghanistan have strong cultural relations,” the adviser said while inaugurating the two-day show organised by Pak-Afghan Culture Forum in collaboration with the provincial government.

It's India-Pakistan diplomacy with a difference: two groups of students, one in Bangalore and one in Islamabad, talking fashion, film and politics over homemade curry and steaks.  By dining together over Skype calls, the students might knock down the cultural and political barriers that divide them.

 It's India-Pakistan diplomacy with a difference: two groups of students - one in Bangalore, one in Islamabad - talking fashion, film and politics over homemade curry and steaks.

Now Malala Yousafzai’s voice has been amplified by the peace prize. Maybe Pakistan’s leaders will hear it at last.

Malala Yousafzai at Girl Summit 2014

Malala fills the whole world with hope...except in Pakistan.

Students outside the cafe at Banaras Hindu University

India deploys its ambassadors to speak to domestic audiences about hot-button issues.
