
Special Chief Secretary for Tourism, Government of Andhra Pradesh, Chandana Khan suggested that the two countries should focus on enhancing cultural exchange and people to people ties before focusing on trade. She said that “friendly ties should be the foundation to improved relations between the two countries to long-term benefits”.

“Americans must not view Pakistan as a stereotype and just through the prism of their fight against terrorism. Pakistanis need to be told the American point of view without use of force and with respect for the country’s sovereignty。“

So while USAID is very good at quickly mobilizing assistance to disaster-afflicted communities, it carries a lot of political baggage -- so much so in places like Pakistan that the U.S might be better off in the long run by downsizing USAID's direct activities there and working through alternative programs.

The photographic exhibition honoured the services of renowned musicians and cultural diplomats who brought the richness of American experience to the people during 1350s, 60s and 70s...The exhibition was held in Karachi for the third time to let people know the history of Jazz.

Grossman said the partnership with Pakistan was important to establish peace and security in the region. He further said there was a dire need to improve perception about each other through public diplomacy, adding that the US greatly valued democratic Pakistan led by elected leadership.

Café DC , a new weekly TV interview show for Pakistan, premiers on Friday with a relaxed and personal look at some of the people making headlines in and around Washington.. the program gives newsmakers “plenty of opportunity to talk about the burning issues of the day.."

April 24, 2012
