
In reading through various reports from Davos last week, I couldn’t help but wonder with all that power amassed – over 4500 attendees to include hundreds of heads of state and CEOs – and all the current crises compounding on the world’s stage, might something different result. Would there be any fresh thinking or radical action to come of such a gathering at such an auspicious time in world history.

February 7, 2012

While India has consciously sought to promote a ‘soft’ image, Pakistan, on the other hand, have spared no effort, deliberately perpetuating a negative ‘hard’ image of ourselves. As citizens strain under the daily task of survival and an incompetent government struggles to stay in power, the ‘soft image’ continues to elude us.

February 3, 2012

Just as the Beatles and rock ’n’ roll helped bring down the Kremlin, Bollywood might yet prove to be the undoing of the most noxious brand of Islamic fundamentalism.

The conference underscored the importance of training and capacity building of personnel of the ministry...Opening of press sections in important capitals of Central Asia, Latin America, Africa, Eastern Europe and Australia was suggested...

Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani while emphasizing upon the significance of public diplomacy called upon the press officers posted in Pakistan’s Missions abroad to remain focused in highlighting the national policies so as to reflect the real image of Pakistan.

Peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians may be deadlocked, but an online community of young Israelis and Arabs from across the Middle East is hoping for better results in the virtual world. Using Facebook, a virtual peace and economic cooperation conference seeks to transcend borders by sharing ideas on the Internet.

“We need to see the Pakistani community in the US as a key resource to mobilising opinion in Pakistan’s favour, and they will be our first line of public diplomacy and outreach here in Washington. Strengthening and broadening the bilateral relationship would remain my key priorities in Washington,” Ambassador Rehman said.
