Putting down their guns, some residents of Jenin turn to art in their fight against Israel.
We need recognition for what we achieve in the normal run of life," Abdulhadi says. "Like people everywhere we love our children, we're chefs, businessmen, carpenters, farmers, industrialists, shopkeepers, we're participants in the society of the world. We're not just a resistance movement fighting the occupation.
The Obama administration's treatment of Netanyahu at the first meeting created the impression of a deep crisis in American-Israel relations. The meeting last Tuesday, however, repaired the damage and lifted the mood music after recent tensions.
Tomorrows Youth Organization is living proof of the effectiveness of smart power. American initiatives around the Middle East, and especially in Palestine’s poorest areas offer American youth the chance to teach disadvantaged children drama, arts, athletics, music, computers and earn the love and trust of the Middle East one country at a time.
This week the United States will welcome South Asian teenagers to the State Departments under the “Seeds of Peace” programme... Founded in 1993 by journalist John Wallach, Seeds of Peace describes itself as being dedicated to empowering young leaders from regions of conflict...
The main struggle in the region is partly ideological, between moderate, pro-Western groups and Islamist and jihadi groups, and partly it is a contest for power in the region by Iran, in its effort to diminish American influence. The administration’s view is playing into Iran’s hands.
But when I arrived to Istanbul I was stunned more by how the media in the “West” continue to shape (or distort) our perception of the “East”. We are told to fear those in the “Islamic world”, as if such a thing exists.
Produced by the Israeli legal advocacy group Gisha, the "Safe Passage" game is offered in Arabic, Hebrew and English and combines animation, video, legal documents and an extensive blog. The first computer game of its kind in Israel, "Safe Passage" allows players to adopt one of three characters...