public diplomacy

The looming federal budget crunch, coming as the United States reduces its military presence in Iraq and Afghanistan, should not slow the State Department’s push to hire more Foreign Service officers, a new report from retired diplomats said.

"The four month long Oz Fest will celebrate and promote these expanding links and foster a better understanding of culture," says Strahan. Incidentally, food has become the gastronomical tactic for cultural diplomacy, India's rise as a preferred destination for Australians could also be one of the reasons for unveiling this mega fest, that reportedly has a budget of three million dollars.

The government is going ahead with plans for a state-owned and controlled internet radio station which will be available around the world, and is looking for radio experts to set it up and run it – on government instruction.

VisitBritain’s ‘GREAT Britain’ campaign also draws together major events, sporting achievements and commercial partners to promote the UK as a great country in which to live, study, invest and do business – as well as to visit. In my book, the GREAT Britain campaign is a real winner. So what can it teach those of us in branding and brand management about the principles of country branding?

On the occasion of the commemoration of the "United Nations Day", Mr. Mariano Fernández Amunátegui, the Head of the UN Mission for Stabilization in Haiti (Minustah) deeclared "UN is the only forum where we can learn from each other by working together, dreaming together the same dream, and to carry out these same hopes for the future generations."

Artush Mkrtchyan calls it cheese diplomacy. Others speak of informal, or “track-two,” diplomacy. By either name, it is all about building bridges between Turks and Armenians in the absence of formal, or “track-one,” diplomatic relations between their governments.

The Singapore Art Museum is hosting a major exhibition, "Thai Transience", featuring works by 25 Thai artists. Opening tonight, it's part of Singapore's Thai Festival, aimed at boosting friendship and cultural exchange.

PM-designate Bidzina Ivanishvili and his cabinet plans to carry out “large-scale reforms in all strategic directions” according to incoming government’s program... On conflict resolution issues, the program makes emphasis on public diplomacy, economic and joint business projects and on encouraging people-to-people contacts across “the dividing lines.”
