public diplomacy

CPD contributor Jonathan Prosser explains how sustainable entrepreneurship can be public diplomacy.

As part of its commitment to building the academic field of public diplomacy, CPD will award $2,500 to an emerging scholar engaged in cutting-edge research on public diplomacy.

A concert by anna. m. w. via Pexels

Nguyen Le of University of Nottingham, Ningbo explains that more needs to be done for the South Korean government to establish BTS as a PD asset.

A pile of books with words "soft power" by itchysan via Canva

Soft power publications tend to over- or solely rely on Nye’s work. It is time to break this vicious cycle.

A robotic hand touching the word AI by ipopba via Canva

CPD Research Fellow Ilan Manor indicates how AIs, without proper regulation, can pose a series of challenges to public diplomacy.

Digital world by LagartoFilm via Canva

CPD Blog contributor Jorge Marinho discusses the concept of influence operations and what it means to a country's ontological security.

Image of a city in metaverse world by naratrip via

CPD Faculty Fellow Corneliu Bjola shares how avatars in digital diplomacy can have the potential to create a significant impact.

BeReal app in the Apple Store @yanishevska via

Diplomats and global businesses are slow at adopting social media accounts. BeReal, an app touting authenticity, can be the exception.
