public diplomacy

Rendered razor sharp against a blurred background, the small flowers of late summer burst with reality. These are discrete examples of meadow flowers that our eyes usually gather in flattened focus massively and whole.

Chief Diversity Officer John Robinson penned a column in the department's latest edition of "State Magazine" advising readers on some rather obscure Ps and Qs. Robinson ticked off several common phrases and went on to explain why their roots are racially or culturally insensitive.

What: Israel Investment, Innovation and Trade Forum: Invest. Innovate. Israel.The conference will bring together key officials from the Israeli Ministries of Finance, Public Diplomacy, Office of the Prime Minister, as well as leading Israeli and U.S. business executives.

When the activists from Hong Kong, Macau and mainland China landed on the Diaoyu Islands recently, TV cameras shot bird's-eye views from helicopters. Two journalists from Phoenix TV were among those arrested and later released by Japanese police, all in front of the cameras.

The 1915 mass killings and deportations of Armenians in Ottoman Turkey are widely recognized as a genocide in Israel, an Israeli cabinet minister said after visiting the Armenian Genocide memorial here on Friday, August 24.

Rendered razor sharp against a blurred background, the small flowers of late summer burst with reality. These are discrete examples of meadow flowers that our eyes usually gather in flattened focus massively and whole.

Germany and China have been cultivating a brisk exchange, and since last year, have held joint government consultations. The current meeting takes place in the midst of major personnel changes in Beijing.
