public diplomacy

The Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) plan to merge the grantee-surrogate broadcasters into one large administrative structure is meeting with a strong opposition among both management and employees of Radio Free Asia (RFA) as a killer of effective journalism, efficient management and good labor relations.

The friendly sister city relationship between Vallejo and Jincheon-Gun, South Korea, has made progress, promoting friendly ties with one another over the past 10 years. Both cities have envisioned a friendly world where everyday citizens are empowered to act as ambassadors of their cities, connecting with one another to create good friendships and exchange cultural traditions.

A natural diplomat skilled at public diplomacy, Clinton has done more than any other Obama administration official to chip away at the image of the United States left behind by George W. Bush. She has established strong working relationships with numerous countries that will ease the way for future American diplomats and State Department officials.

As a prime media tool for a younger-than-ever, interconnected world audience, Facebook is now de rigueur in U.S. foreign policy...While others debate how and when to enter the social media sphere in Zimbabwe, the White House announced the nomination of Ambassador Ray’s successor, due here later this year.

Facebook is Zimbabwe’s top website. According to Google, Facebook was the most popular web search term among Zimbabweans in 2011, replacing “Zimbabwe,” which led the list in 2010 and 2009. The Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation’s (ZBC) Power FM, despite its antiquated broadcasting studios, fills its popular music programming with trendy young DJs enthusiastically pushing listeners to follow them on the social networking site while quoting recent FB comments.

The president of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, Dieter Graumann, on Sunday criticized the German Football Association after only three members of the national team visited the Auschwitz death camp on Friday in the run up to the Euro 2012 soccer championship...

June 4, 2012

Politics and sports are often an incendiary mix, as the controversy now swirling around the Euro 2012 football championship, to be co-hosted by Ukraine and Poland, demonstrates... European Union leaders have said that they will boycott matches held in Ukraine...

The U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs’ SportsUnited Division will bring 13 Iraqi taekwondo athletes, eleven youth and two coaches, to the United States, June 5- 15th, to participate in a U.S. Government sports visitor program. This will be SportsUnited’s second-ever taekwondo sports visitor program and the fourth sports exchange with Iraq.
