public diplomacy

American dance companies are once again heading overseas to practice a kind of choreographed diplomacy as part of the second season of DanceMotion USA. The program, according to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, “embraces the full use of diplomatic tools, in this case dance, to engage people and create opportunities for greater understanding.”

What can the United States do to help Nigeria address the immediate security crisis? The first priority should be to neutralize Boko Haram without a massive display of American counter-terrorism prowess, which could provoke the public backlash seen elsewhere. Second is to engage Nigeria’s vast diaspora, perhaps a million-strong in the United States.

As part of its efforts to harness digital technologies for public diplomacy, the US State Department has decided to open up its daily press briefings by letting people across the globe tweet their questions in several languages, including Hindi and Urdu.

“India is a complex nation.” For better development, collaboration with government on urban social issues is a necessity; societies must reclaim responsibility for their citizens; and populations must understand the issues that are common to us all in order to find solutions to the problems that unite us.

Conventional diplomacy was still necessary, but it was no longer sufficient when it came to influencing foreign governments. That influence was best brought to bear through their publics, and through international public opinion, especially when compulsion was not an option and democratization had expanded the scope for exercising influence indirectly.

Turkey’s geopolitical importance enables Turkey to use its soft power to establish prosperity in neighbouring regions and to create win-win situations. Aside from actively engaging in international organizations, Turkey has also promoted its “conservative democracy” as a model for transforming Arab societies throughout the Middle East.

Culture is critical to the future of the Party because it goes to the heart of the Party's hold on power. Economic growth has contributed to its legitimacy, but the public's belief that only the Party can make China a strong country is its real trump card. To maintain this illusion, the usual way is fulminating against the foreign forces that are trying to hold back China's rise with "Cold War thinking."
