
April 19, 2011

The Broadcasting Board of Governors has chosen David Ensor to be the new director of the Voice of America. The former journalist, currently working for the State Department, will join VOA in June, replacing Danforth Austin.

After years of spending hundreds of millions of dollars trying to get its message out to Afghans, the United States is still experimenting. The State Department, for example, is trying a new communications approach in Kandahar by turning to old media — radio and television.

The Czech Republic is preparing to mark the 60th birthday of the launch of Radio Free Europe broadcasts in Czech across the Iron Curtain to Czechoslovakia. The broadcasts were a key factor in telling people under communism not only what was really happening in their own country but also keeping them up to date about events in the West.

When Benghazi fell into the hands of the opposition a week ago, Saleh Zayani grabbed two sound mixers and a microphone and headed to the radio transmission building.

For the younger, more urbanized generation in Africa, film may be the dominant artistic medium, but for the continent's older generations, music remains central to identity.

Does radio still play a role in a world where that is increasingly cyber-connected and populated by smart phone users? The answer, according to Google’s Director of Policy and Planning Bob Boorstin, is very much a “yes.”

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton sat down with an Australian comedic duo for an interview that aired Tuesday, in which she appeared to to be concerned about the world's image of Americans and the nation's collective lifestyle.

Clinton took her personal diplomacy to Australia’s airwaves, braving a popular radio comedy team who grilled her on potato chips, reality tv and the diplomacy of barbecues. Clinton’s appearance on the Hamish and Andy show was part of her effort to get in front of as many foreign audiences as possible, and the official transcript released by the State Department makes for some bizarre reading.
