
The General Staff Academy of Russia’s Armed Forces is set to work out a complex manual on countering so-called “color revolutions”, which will incorporate the expertise of Russian military experts who developed counterterrorist operations in the North Caucasus and of civilian experts from the country’s leading educational establishments. [...] The experts will also work on the “soft power” method (non-contact impact on potential enemy), asymmetric operations and measures to strengthen Russia’s political system and the political culture of the politicians, civil servants, businessmen and oth

RIGA, Latvia — The yellowing pages of the thick guestbook at the Museum of the Occupation of Latvia read like a song of praise for Latvian self-determination and express a narrative of condemnation directed at the two regimes — Nazi and Soviet — to which this country fell during World Wa­­r II. But hidden among the expressions of admiration for Latvia’s struggle are entries written in Russian attesting to a different interpretation of the country’s recent past. “It’s not peoples that occupy but political regimes,” a visi

Is it time to redraw the world's fashion map? Cities like London, Paris, New York and Milan have sustained their status as leading world fashion capitals for more than half a century.

Members of the European Parliament (MEPs), armed with non-factual information and an anti-Russian agenda, might potentially add fuel to the fire and make the already unsteady relations between Europe and Russia even worse.

During a plenary session in Strasburg on Wednesday, MEPs came up with a tough resolution, calling the EU to re-consider its relations with Russia in the context of the Ukrainian crisis.

Joint Operations train against cyber war

David S. Jackson on when trolling gets real.

Even during the height of the Cold War with its threat of Nuclear Armageddon, the cultural exchange between the United States and the Soviet Union never ground to a halt. But in the last few years, because of the "boomerang effect of a rancorous legal battle between the Russian government and the Chassidic Jewish group, Chabad" (LA Times 1/17/13), Russia imposed a ban on all art loans to American museums. This legal case is based on Chabad's decades-long effort to recover religious books and manuscripts that the Russians expropriated after the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917.

here is no question that there is a lot of corruption inside the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA). Bribes and behind the scene deals have been going on for decades. The sport federation is responsible for the most watched and popular sport in the world and is part of a lucrative business venture that has a lot of soft power and prestige attached to it.
