science diplomacy

The United States and Germany highly value science and technology (S&T); both have committed to spend 3% of GDP on S&T research and development. More than 50 bilateral cooperation agreements exist between U.S. and German government agencies and scientific institutions along with over 1,500 university partnerships.

South Korea on Monday announced sites for its $4.76 billion "science belt" designed to help Asia's fourth-largest economy take the lead in cutting-edge technologies. Daedeok district will become a global hub for basic scientific research and help South Korea become a world technology leader.

A 134-member delegation led by PKUPresident Zhou Qifeng is currently paying a visit in Taiwan, aiming to strengthen cross-strait cultural communication and enhance academic partnership between PKU and Taiwanese higher education institutes.

An innovation centre dedicated to finding new ways to exploit space has been officially opened in the UK. The Harwell, Oxfordshire, site will foster people and ideas that can grow an already highly successful sector.

The theme of World Water Day 2011 is "Water for Cities: Responding to the Urban Challenge." Since I cover water issues for the U.S. Consulate in Shanghai, I sometimes talk to people here about my home state, Michigan, which borders the Great Lakes.

Science diplomacy fosters communications and international collaborations with scientists in nations with which official U.S. diplomatic relations might be limited or strained.

March 11, 2011

As visitors from Taiwan and the rest of the world are discovering, however, there are more than flowers on display. The beauty of Taiwanese culture is highlighted through thousands of scheduled cultural performances, and local achievements in horticulture, science and environmental protection can also be seen.

In his annual State of the Union address, delivered in Washington DC last month, US President Barack Obama spoke strongly about the need to promote science-based technologies to "protect our planet, and create countless new jobs for our people". His words have significance not only for the United States, but also for the Arab world.
