
What does "being secure" mean? Yasushi Watanabe surveys a range of case studies and analyses on the emerging concept of cultural security.

CPD Advisory Board Member Markos Kounalakis says First Lady Barbara Bush made a difference and shares some thoughts on ways Melania can too.
"I really want to see the Tatras," said Aistė Černauskytė, a political science student from Lithuania, after having laid her eyes on the landscape of Slovakia during her bus trip to Bratislava. Aistė is one of the international students who arrived to spend a semester in Bratislava. She spent 21 hours on the bus from Vilnius, across Poland, right to the Slovak capital. "Central Europe isn't very well-known to me," says Aistė Černauskytė, who appreciates the strategically good location of Bratislava for traveling.
On April the 3rd 2017, a historic trilateral meeting took place at the Bundeskanzleramt, the German Federal Chancellor’s workplace in Berlin. Chancellor Angela Merkel met with her Czech and Slovak counterparts – the Prime Ministers Bohuslav Sobotka and Robert Fico – to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the German-Czechoslovak Neighbourhood Treaty, which was signed on February the 27th in 1992.
A series of concerts entitled "So klingt Europa" (The Sound of Europe) organized by the country's treasury is aimed at showcasing the diversity of the eurozone through song and dance. Various performers from disparate parts of the EU have taken part in the event series, which was started three years ago, providing a platform for their respective cultural contributions to the European Union.
Mike Griffin and Anthony Shields of Minneapolis-based Neighborhoods Organizing for Change (NOC) are two of 20 national candidates selected by the relatively new exchange program to teach grassroots organizing to marginalized communities in east Europe.