social media

While Jordan has made public its participation in US-led air strikes against ISIL in Syria, it has launched a quieter war at home, as authorities crack down on social media users and religious leaders who allegedly promote "terrorist ideology".

Support is mounting for a Medal of Honor recipient who is threatening terrorists on Twitter after the FBI warned soldiers to lie low on social media.  Dakota Meyer, who served in the Marines for four years, is trying to make the point that he doesn't want to live in fear because of ISIS, he told ABC News today.

“Bermuda has been a little bit forgotten,” said Victoria Isley, the chief marketing and sales officer of the Bermuda Tourism Authority, who took the post in April after leading Destination Marketing Association International, a trade association.  To do so, the island is turning to where travelers increasingly learn about destinations: social media

The Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Department of Homeland Security this weekend jointly issued the strongest warning yet for U.S. servicemen to scrub their accounts on Facebook, Twitter and other social media.

Last Wednesday, Canada officially launched its national Twitter accounts in French and English as part of an integrated diplomacy strategy. (...) It wasn’t long before the first wave of criticism appeared. Not over anything related to international diplomacy. Rather — because this is Canada — the brouhaha was over language.

As the US government rolled out its military response to Islamic State over the summer, its diplomatic arm ramped up another war - confronting the extremist group on the digital battleground.

Twiplomacy or ‘twitter diplomacy’ was at its peak with South Asian leaders taking to the social media platform as the 18th Saarc Summit kicked off in the Capital on Wednesday.

November 27, 2014

Canada’s foreign affairs department has launched a Twitter account for Canada. And it’s a big hit.
