soft power

What is striking about today’s Russo-Ukrainian War is the extent to which the great powers — the United States, Germany, France and the United Kingdom — have sided with Ukraine.

Turkey's "soft power" in the region stems mainly from its potential for growth and its functioning democratic regime. But no one should minimize the formidable strength Turkey gets from its deep integration with the EU and with all the other significant international institutions. 

Limits on access to information in universities should ultimately be based on a thorough assessment of risks and benefits. When it comes to educational exchanges, the benefits generally far outweigh the risks.

A just published study highlights how commerce and glitz are reinforcing support for autocracy by international sports associations and undermining the International Olympic Committee's (IOC) newly found resolve to hold potential host cities to human rights standards to which world soccer body FIFA pays lip service.

Japan's government has budgeted over $15 million to fund Japan studies at nine overseas universities, including Georgetown and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, as part of a "soft power" push to counter the growing influence of China and South Korea.

Whether the intention behind such actions by members of Congress was to undermine the Obama Administration, to sabotage the nuclear negotiations, or to gain domestic support, they have done nothing but sabotage the image of the United States.

In terms of perceptions, many international publics believe the global economic balance of power has swung sharply towards the country. It has exposed the country to greater foreign scrutiny for which it has generally been ill-prepared. This has exposed a growing "soft-power deficit" which is complicating China's rise to power.

March 12, 2015

A distinctive, bilingual Hispanic American culture is blurring old distinctions between Mexican-Americans and other Latinos. That culture’s swaggering soft power can be felt across the Spanish-speaking world.
