soft power

China plans a theme park to celebrate Hello Kitty, the cutesy cat with no mouth but a cult-like following…Hello Kitty’s popularity in China can be seen as a counterpoint to Sino-Japanese political tensions by demonstrating the population’s embrace of Japanese style...

South Korea will use its "soft power" as an instrument of cultural diplomacy to promote exchanges in various areas between countries, the parliamentary speaker said Thursday, as he prepared to host a conference of his counterparts from the Group of 20 countries next week.

...the Israeli government takes the role of public diplomacy very seriously... The Israeli government has its own word that has been used since the 1970s in relation to their own public diplomacy work. Hasbara is roughly translated as ‘explanation’ and is used under the context of Israeli policy and actions.

When Dr Manmohan Singh lands in Addis Ababa, the marked difference between India's "soft power" and China's headlong rush into becoming the continent's go-to country for infrastructure is certain to excite debate again

There was reason to worry that AFRICOM, which would lead the Operation Odssey Dawn, was too green, and its mandate too soft, for it to perform up to U.S. standards. Yet in launching the U.S. intervention in Libya, AFRICOM, led by its commander, General Carter Ham, acquitted itself well.

They loved us back in the day. When my family visited my mother's Pakistani hometown of Lahore in 1974, our relatives gazed upon us as that rarest of breeds — those who had found success in America. They would whisper about us in awed tones.

The slaying of terrorist mastermind Osama bin Laden is expected to prompt the United States and China to review strategies to shore up their influence in Asia.

In a move that could boost South Florida’s reach in the international art world, the company that owns Art Basel Miami Beach announced Friday it is expanding into Asia. Soon, there will not only be Art Basel Switzerland and Art Basel Miami Beach, but also Art Basel Hong Kong — an addition that was welcomed warmly in Miami’s art scene.
