south korea

The popularity of local culture, otherwise known as “hallyu,” has brought along new challenges in promoting Korea to the outside world. One of them is building online and offline database of hallyu, which the Korea Culture and Information Service (KOCIS), the state-run overseas PR agency, has started to embrace as key responsibilities.

South Korea is stepping up to make inroads into Myanmar as the Southeast Asian country’s fledgling reforms widen access to its huge natural resources, market potential and geopolitical position. President Lee Myung-bak became the first Korean leader to land in the country since 1983 when a North Korean terrorist bombing killed 17 Seoul officials accompanying then-President.

Although all fall under the main theme of “The Living Ocean and Coast,” the international pavilions at the Expo 2012 Yeosu Korea are as diverse as the 104 participating countries themselves. Linked by a digital canopy displaying ocean scenes on a giant overhead LED screen, the international pavilions showcase nations’ oceans, coasts and the work they are doing to protect them.

With South Korea increasingly flexing its diplomatic muscles on the international stage, it is time to focus on strengthening its soft power, a scholar-turned-diplomat in Seoul said. Korea Foundation president Kim Woo-sang argues that the nation should foster a network of multilateral cooperation, particularly with emerging “middle power” countries.

The Korean embassy began Tuesday night, a week of activities at the embassy to introduce authentic Korean culture to Kuwait. “Recently, I have realized that there has been an increasing interest in Korea among Kuwaiti people,” said Kyungsik Kim, the ambassador of the Republic of Korea in Kuwait, adding” I think cultural exchange is very important to strengthen bilateral relationships.”

Based on a real event, the film retells how South and North Korea formed a unified national sports team for the 41st world table tennis championships held in Chiba, near Tokyo in 1991...The film reminds of the "ping pong diplomacy" in the early 1970s, which saw the exchange of table tennis players between the United States and the People's Republic of China.

Officials said the 40 American college students from across the nation will serve as a "public face" for the U.S. as it seeks to promote people-to-people exchanges with visitors during the Expo.

The “pop-up” restaurant trend – in which restaurant owners let their establishments be taken over by amateur chefs for a night – that has been thriving in the U.S. and Europe for a couple of years reached Seoul this past weekend, when two expat food bloggers crafted a “Korean Food Reimagined” menu for their readers.
