sports diplomacy

Dashen Beer S.C. has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the English premier league football club Arsenal on September 25, 2015 at Intercontinental Hotel in Addis Abeba.

The President Suñol Box at the Camp Nou had some very special guests today in the form of the regional, state, European and Latin American MPs that are in Barcelona to monitor Sunday’s elections to the Catalan Parliament. FC Barcelona has formed part of the Council for Public Diplomacy in Catalonia (DIPLOCAT), [...] to inform the outside world about Catalonia and at same time raise its profile internationally.

David Beckham is urging world leaders to put children at the center of the ambitious set of global initiatives that will be adopted Friday at the United Nations.

Cultural exchange between skaters in the U.S. and other countries can help improve relations between nations from the bottom up, according to Neftalie Williams, Cuba Skate’s Chair and Research Director at USC Annenberg’s Institute of Sports, Media and Society. Williams compared the potential of skate diplomacy with the role that ping-pong played in restoring U.S.-Chinese relations in the early 1970’s.

The Foreign Affairs Ministry is rolling out a new kind of diplomacy, which includes a netball team, the Cook Islands and $50,000 of taxpayer money. The cash will come from the Public Diplomacy Fund, allowing New Zealand's national development squad to play a series of tests in Rarotonga to mark the 50th anniversary of the Cook Islands' independence. 

South Korea’s soccer chief Chung Mong-gyu will discuss reviving cross-border internationals with his North Korea counterparts on a visit to Pyongyang later this month, the Korea Football Association (KFA) said on Monday.

We make it clear in everything that we do that their identity is British and football is a great way of doing this.It breaks down barriers, brings people together and is a fantastic way to learn about British history and culture. What could be more British than playing football?”

Sports and the passion that surrounds it is a universal language. This summer, a widely anticipated basketball game in the capital city of Belarus pitted former NBA players against the national team of Belarus, but behind the picks, assists and dunks was an exercise in evangelism and diplomacy.
