syrian crisis
The United Arab Emirates, UAE, has pledged Dh250 million (US$68 million) to support the Syrian people [...] Moreover, the UAE has pledged to host 15,000 Syrian refugees over the next five years. It also helps Syria's neighbours hosting large numbers of refugees to through humanitarian programmes to shoulder this huge humanitarian burden and support their economies through development programmes.
Behind the growing terror threat is Germany’s ongoing debate about privacy and data collection, highlighted by a recent law to reign in Germany’s intelligence agency, the Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) [...] Yet Germany’s new push to ban Islamist recruitment organizations and crack down on suspected terrorists reveals a newfound realism from Germany's leaders.
It is important to note that emergency humanitarian aid must be complemented by medium and longer-term assistance. An estimated 80 percent of Syrian refugees in Jordan live in urban areas, outside of camps. Urban refugees face different challenges from camp refugees, including securing shelter and food, finding work, and accessing basic social and medical services.
These values do not just cover human rights, media freedom, the rule of law, and accountability. They also relate to other specific EU values, especially the free movement of people and access by all member states to the EU single market. These sets of values have made the EU attractive to its members as well as to those countries aspiring to join the bloc.

What happens when the government is sending one message, and citizens are sending another?
Seeing U.S. soldiers cooperate with the PKK's Syrian wing, the PYD, while the PKK was killing Turkish soldiers, will have serious long-term challenges for U.S. public diplomacy in Turkey
The historic meeting between Pope Francis and Russian Patriarch Kirill, which took place in Havana on Friday, could act as a soft force contributing to the resolution of the Syrian crisis, experts told Sputnik.