
“By using soft power to understand a people and their culture, you will gain a better understanding and appreciation of your partners,” Athavale said. During the three-day discourse with the junior officers, both sides were given ample opportunities to talk amongst themselves.

It's a country known for its stunning safari landscapes, long beaches and towering Mount Kilimanjaro. And according to documentary film-maker Nick Broomfield -- Tanzania is also the perfect natural film set. But though it has its own film festival, Zanzibar is paradoxically without a cinema. Broomfield is pledging his support for the renovation of a dilapidated art deco cinema in Stone Town.

“Maritime trade and people-to-people exchanges have drawn us closer. Today, we seek to build a modern and dynamic partnership on the strength of these traditional bonds,” Singh had said earlier after the bilateral meeting with Kikwete.

Ambassador Clarke said the 2010 European Film Festival will provide "a marvelous opportunity for Europe to show the vibrancy of the European film industry and to share this with Tanzanian people."

China and Tanzania enjoys deep and traditional friendship with richer and richer cultural exchanges between the two countries, a senior Chinese diplomat said in Dar Es Salaam,on Thursday. Liu Xinsheng, Chinese ambassador to Tanzania, made the remarks at the opening ceremony of the exhibition of "Henan in the Eyes of World Photographers", stressing the role of cultural exchange in enhancing the bilateral relations.

The Canada-Africa Research and Learning Alliance hosted a group of international researchers this past weekend in Tofino as part of a cultural exchange focused on eco-tourism and community sustainability.

But the countries that share the Nile River basin – Uganda, Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi and Democratic Republic of Congo – are tired of Egypt, and to a lesser extent Sudan, dictating the terms of the river water’s usage.

A U.S.-based global media network is to award a Tanzanian freelance journalist, Vicky Ntetema, for her courage in exposing the brutal killings of albinos and their families. The International Women's Media Foundation (IWMF) has announced in Washington, DC, that she will receive one of its 2010 "Courage in Journalism Awards" at a ceremony later this year.
